Toggle debug mode, that will print our debug information on the console screen
If after timeout reached and not found any device, fallback to use IP scaner
The filter function to matching found device This should be an function accept IDevice and return boolean value
The hostname of ip address of machine that code running, default:
Set the limit of number devices you want to discover. when discover found x device, if x> limit, the promise will resolve with list of device found
The multicast IP address to discover device using SSDP.
The local port number that listening for the message, default is 1982. This port value should not change as the default of manufacture value
How often to rescan the detwork for devices in milliseconds, default is 200
Set the timeout (in miliseconds) for searching, if timeout reach but limit has reach . he promise will fullfil and return
Generated using TypeDoc
The options that use to discover devices on lan network